Ramjas College Library
Librarian: Dr. Taruna Joshi
Email ID: librarian@ramjas.du.ac.in
Mobile No.: 9968333307
The College Library is one of our most significant assets, which has an online cataloguing system that provides access to library resources. All our books are coded through dedicated software and are easily accessible through computers in the library and the departments. Free and ready access to the Internet for students and the faculty has made it possible for our college to reach higher and global levels of education and research.
Ramjas College Library has a rich collection of around 1.3 lac books.
Floor Plan
Ground Floor
1. Entry/Exit Point- The library users have to show their identity card and enter their details in the Reader Register before entering the Library

2. Check Point- It is the desk where the library users have to show their identity card while entering the Library. The users have to get the issued books checked at this desk, before leaving the Library.

3. Braille Section- It contains Braille books and computers for visually challenged students. Section Incharge: Ms Sheela

4. Reading Hall- Newspapers and magazines are displayed in this hall.

5. General Section Books- It contains books on all the subject areas taught in the college at undergraduate and postgraduate level.
Section Incharge:
Ms Anita Sharma
- Philosophy
- Political Science
- Economics
- Commerce
Mr. Bal Kishan
- History
- Sanskrit
- English
- Hindi
Ms Seema Bisht
- Music
- Physical Education
Mr. Suresh Kumar
- Computers
- Mathematics
- Statistics
- Physics
- Electronics
- Chemistry
- Botany
- Zoology

6. Issue/Return Counter of General Section- The books from General Section can be issued (checked out) and returned (checked in) at this counter.
Managed by: Mr. Bhuwan Chandra
Ms Shrutie
Ms Usha Rani

7. Acquisition and Technical Processing Section- The new books are purchased and prepared by this section.
Section Incharge: Mr. Khyali Ram Pant

8. Librarian- The Librarian looks after the overall administration of the Library.
Librarian: Dr. Taruna Joshi

First Floor
1. Librarian- The Librarian looks after the overall administration of the Library.
2. Textbook and Reference Books Section- Textbooks are course books. Reference books like dictionaries, encyclopaedias, etc. are only for consultation within the Library. This section also has Question Papers of past years examinations.
Other Books Section
This section houses rare books and old books. It is spread on first and second floors of book stack area.

Reading Rooms
Timings: 9 am to 5 pm from Monday to Friday
Extended Hours: 9 am to 7 pm before and during examinations, from Monday to Friday
9 am to 5 pm before and during examinations, on Saturday
Books Issue/Return
Timings: 9:30 am to 1 pm
Duration: General Section Books are issued for two weeks Textbook Section Books are issued for one week Reference books are only for consultation
Overdue charges: Rupee One per day for General Section Book Rupees Two per day for Textbook Section Book Overdue charges are to be deposited in the Fine Box
Electronic Resources
1. The library subscribes electronic resources provided by National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content (N-LIST), which is jointly executed by the e-ShodhSindhu Consortium, INFLIBNET Centre and the INDEST-AICTE Consortium, IIT Delhi.
2. It provides for i) cross-subscription to e-resources subscribed by the two Consortia, i.e. subscription to INDEST-AICTE resources for universities and e-ShodhSindhu resources for technical institutions.
3. It provides access to e-resources to students and faculty from colleges.
4. The authorized users from colleges can remotely access e-resources and download articles required by them directly from the publisher's website once they are duly authenticated as authorized users through servers deployed at the INFLIBNET Centre.
5. The number of electronic resources subscribed under N-LIST Programme are as follows:
• E-journals (Full text): 6293
• E-books: 1,60,809
6. According to October 2020 usage of NLIST, Ramjas College was amongst the TOP 10 USERS.

Website: https://nlist.inflibnet.ac.in/index.php
2. The library gets access to all the electronic resources subscribed by Delhi University Library System. Website: http://crl.du.ac.in/sub.database/SUBS.E-RESOURCE.htm