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Properties of Rationalized Toeplitz Hankel OperatorsSole Ruchika Batra Jordan Journal of Mathematics and Statistics (JJMS) 2023 16(1), 2023 pp 67 - 78 P-ISSN 2075 -7905, E-ISSN - |
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Essentially Weighted Rationalized Toeplitz Hankel operatorsSole Ruchika Batra(Verma) Advanced studies: Euro-Tbilisi Mathematical journal 2022 Vol.15, no. 4 1-9, 2667-9930 - |
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Properties of Adjoints of Generalized Slant Toeplitz OperatorsSole Ruchika Batra(Verma) Ganita 2022 Vol72(1) 375-382 0046-5402 - |
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Rationalized Toeplitz Hankel Operators Via Operator EquationsSole Ruchika Batra(Verma) Annals of Mathematics and computerScience 2022 Vol.7 25-31 2789-7206 - |
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Rationalization of Toeplitz Hankel OperatorsSole Ruchika Batra(Verma) Gulf Journal of Mathematics 2022 Vol 12, Issue 2 86-96 2309-4966 - |
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On Slant Hankel Operators Co-author S C Arora and Ruchika Batra Bulletin of Calcutta Mathematical Society 2007 99, No. 1 95-100 00080659 - |
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Slant Hankel OperatorsCo-author S C Arora and Ruchika Batra Archivum Mathemathecum (Brno) Tomus 2006 42 125-133 00448753 - |
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Generalized Slant Toeplitz Operators on H2Co-author S C Arora and Ruchika Batra Mathematische Nachrichten, Germany 2005 278, No. 4 347-355 15222616 - |
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On Generalized Slant Toeplitz Operators with Continuous SymbolsCo-author S C Arora and Ruchika Batra Yokohama Mathematical Journal, Japan 2004 Vol. 51, 1-9 00440523 - |
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On Generalized Slant Toeplitz OperatorsCo-author S C Arora and Ruchika Batra Indian Journal of Mathematics 2003 Vol. 45, No. 2, 00195324 121-134 00195324 - |
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Essentially Rationalized Toeplitz Hankel OperatorsSole Ruchika Batra Poincare Journal of Analysis & Applications 2022 Vol. 9, No. 1 69-75 23496789 - |
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Spectra Of Generalized Slant Toeplitz OperatorsCo-author S C Arora and Ruchika Batra Analysis and Application, Allied Publication 2004 - 43-56 - - |
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Some Properties of Range Operators on LCA GroupsCo-author Ruchika Verma Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics 2023 Volume 47(7) (2023), Pages 995–1010 ISSN (Print) 1450-9628 - |
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Weighted rationalized Toeplitz Hankel operatorsSole Ruchika Verma Annals of Mathematics and computerScience 2023 Vol. 13 , 2023 12-24 2789-7206 - |