Rule and Regulations



  • Library Rules
  • 1. It is mandatory to show your Identity Card at the Library Entrance to the Security Guard.
  • 2. You are required to record your details, time in and time out in the Register at the Library Entrance
  • 3. Leave your bag at the Property Counter. Do not leave your money, mobile phone, laptop or other valuable things in your bag
  • 4. Maintain silence in the Library premises.
  • 5. Do not disturb other learners in the Library.
  • 6. Do not disturb Teachers studying in the Library.
  • 7. Do not hide the Library books.
  • 8. Do not tear or deface the pages of the Library books.
  • 9. Overdue book fine
    • General Section Book……………….Rupee 1 per day
    • Textbook Section Book……………..Rupees 2 per day