
Hostel Student's Union

  1. Resident students are expected to assist in the efficient and smooth functioning and maintenance of the Hostel, and to contribute to a harmonious community life. For this purpose there is a hostel Student's Union (directly elected) with the offices of Chairperson/President, Mess Committee Members Common Room Secretary, and representatives from each year (from among both men and women residents) or Batch Representatives, for the Hostel Committee. The office bearers will retain their term from August 2009 to April 2010.

    All residents of the Hostel have a right to vote for election to the Hostel Students Union.

  2. Only a resident who has completed at least two years' stay in the Hostel is eligible for the post of Hostel Chairperson.
  3. Only those resident students who have cleared their Hostel dues are entitled to contest and / or vote in the Hostel Students Union election.
  4. During the election, a candidate if found indulging indiscipline or conniving with any person leading to indiscipline, shall lose the right to vote or contest the election, besides inviting severe punitive action
  5. The Chairperson is an ex-officio member of all the committees. The secretaries/incharges will be given functional autonomy with full sense of responsibility. They will discharge their functions in consultation with the Batch Representatives and Mess Committee Members keeping in mind the interest of residents.
  6. In case of any difficulty arising in the functioning in of these secretaries/in-charges, the Chairperson shall personally discuss the matter with them. If the matter still stands unresolved, it may be brought to the notice of the Warden.
  7. The budget of the Hostel will be finalised by the Hostel Committee.