Dr. Sumit
Assistant Professor
UG Sri Venkateshwara College, University of Delhi B.Sc. (H) Mathematics 2013
PG Zakir Hussain Delhi College, University of Delhi M.Sc. Mathematics 2015
PhD University of Delhi Mathematics 2021
1 Central University University of Delhi Dyal Singh College Assistant Professor 2019-01-07 2022-11-20 Teaching
2 Central University University of Delhi Ramjas College Assistant Professor 2022-11-21 2058-08-01 Teaching
1 On cellular- countably compact spacesSole SUMIT SINGH Filomat 2022 36 1469-1475 2406-0933 0.848 (SCIE)
2 On star- cellular- Lindelöf spacesSole SUMIT SINGH Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas RACSAM 2021 115 190 1578-7303 2.169 (SCIE)
3 On set-star-K-Menger spacesSole SUMIT SINGH Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen 2022 100 87-100 0033 - 3883/ 2064 - 2849 0.78 (SCI)
4 A note set-star-K-Menger spacesSole SUMIT SINGH Mathematica Slovaca 2022 72 1597-1604 0139-9918 0.654 (SCIE)
5 On set-star-K- Hurewicz spacesSole SUMIT SINGH Bulletin of Belgian Mathematical Society Simon Stevin 2021 28 361-372 1370-1444 0.82 (SCIE)
6 The almost I-Hurewicz covering propertyCorresponding SUMIT SINGH, B. K. Tyagi, Manoj Bhardwaj Filomat 2021 35 4777-4787 2406-0933 0.848 (SCIE)
7 Set star-Menger and set strongly star-Menger spacesCo-author Ljubisa D.R. Kocinac, Sukran Konca, SUMIT SINGH Mathematica Slovaca 2022 72 185-196 0139-9918 0.654 (SCIE)
8 Star versions of Hurewicz spacesCorresponding SUMIT SINGH, Ljubisa D.R. Kocinac Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 2021 50 1325-1333 2651-477X 0.98 (SCIE)
9 Further results on new star-selection principlesSole SUMIT SINGH Topology and its Applications 2021 300 107762 0166-8641 0.531 (SCI)
10 Relative version of star-Hurewicz propertyCo-author Manoj Bhardwaj, SUMIT SINGH, Brij K. Tyagi Acta Mathematica Hungarica 2021 164 85-100 0236-5294 0.588 (SCIE)
11 Sequence selection properties in Cp(X) with the double idealsCorresponding SUMIT SINGH, B. K. Tyagi, Manoj Bhardwaj Mathematica Slovaca 2021 71 147-154 0139-9918 0.654 (SCIE)
12 On the set version of selectively star-CCC spacesCorresponding Ljubisa D.R. Kocinac, SUMIT SINGH Journal of Mathematics 2020 9274503 9274503 2314-4629 1.555 (SCIE)
13 Remarks on set-Menger and related propertiesSole SUMIT SINGH Topology and its Applications 2020 280 107278 0166-8641 0.531 (SCI)
14 Relativization of star-C -Hurewicz property in topological spacesCo-author Manoj Bhardwaj, Brij K. Tyagi, SUMIT SINGH Bulletin of Iranian Mathematical Society 2020 46 1105-1115 1017-060X, 1018-6301 0.357 (SCIE)
15 An ideal version of star-C- Hurewicz covering propertyCorresponding SUMIT SINGH, B. K. Tyagi, Manoj Bhardwaj Filomat 2019 33 6385-6393 2406-0933 0.848 (SCIE)
16 Ideal analogues of some variants of Hurewicz propertyCorresponding B. K. Tyagi, SUMIT SINGH, Manoj Bhardwaj Filomat 2019 33 2725-2734 2406-0933 0.848 (SCIE)
1 Dr. Sumit (Principal Investigator), Exploring Selection Principles: Hurewicz and Menger Covering Properties and their Generalizations in Topological Spaces, Mathematics, 2024, Rs. 2286196, 2024-01-19 2027-01-18 sponsored by SERB-DST, Government of India.